Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lane Bryant FTW!!

So yesterday I mentioned that I bought an LB dress that I LOVE (and for cheap 'cause I had Real Woman Dollars) and after wearing it for a day....I love it more! Though I could have gotten a size smaller and my nails kept getting caught in the lace. But not bad for a dress that was originally $80 that I got for $45!!! Exciting.

So....Lane Bryant Lace Skater Dress!!!!!

Ok this photo=NOT the GREATEST. But my camera phone had a smudge on the lens (I didn't notice it until looking at these photos tonight), I have no makeup on the lighting is crappy!!! All stuff that can be fixed, but I said I would post this photo and here it is, damnit! This dress is damn comfy and not so short that I'm afraid I'll be showin' mah girly bits off....which is a good thing. So love this dress, buy it, wear it, feel good, etc, etc. :D

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