Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Class

So I went to the bariatric class yesterday and, in the five years since I've been to it, it has definitely changed. The first time I went, the only surgery discussed was the gastric bypass (Roux NY). This time the class was a lot more informative and helped to concrete my decision. I'm not going to get a surgery...and I'm really, really fucking sad about it.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Getting organized

Last night I promised myself that I would be in bed by 10pm....I failed. I ended up reading about and watching videos on gastric surgeries. My hope is to get the gastric band (not the more extreme gastric bypass or sleeve) and after reading a few things about them, I am a bit hesitant.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The start

This coming Tuesday is the bariatric class I have to take in order for my doctor to give me a referral for the bariatric doctor. I am not nervous to take this class, as I've taken it before. I am, however, impatient to get the whole damn process started and I am nervous that I'll be turned down. Why would I be turned down? For a few very good reasons.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Angel food cake = Devils food cake

At work tomorrow, we have a potluck tomorrow at work because it's the Super Bowl and we're, yup.

Anyway, since I don't often make super sweet stuff, I decided to make 2 sweet things to bring, since most people are bringing things like dips and wings. I decided to try a recipe I found in Pinterest, which lead me to this blog, which has INCREDIBLE photos!! Anyway, I grabbed all the supplies, headed home and started making these delicious thingies. It wasn't until I'd already cut the package that I noticed I had picked up white angel food cake mix instead of white cake mix. No biggie, right? I've baked and cooked enough in my life time to have made simple mistakes like this and everything has ALWAYS turned out fine.

You are beautiful

When I go anywhere, I bring my camera. When I go anywhere worth noting, I DEFINITELY take my camera.

After my friend Joe showed me Balboa Park in San Diego, CA, I decided to take a day trip there. Anyome who's been there, knows it's a big-ish place. Not Disneyland big, maybe mall big. Maybe a bit bigger. There's a lot to see and it's a good walk through it. The day I decided to go, I packed a lunch, water, camera, extra batteries and SD cards. I ended up staying a good 8 hours just taking my time and walking around. While on my way out, I somehow noticed this sticker on one of the iron decorations on the bridge (above the 215 freeway). I thought it was awesome, took a picture and went on my way.