Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'm Better

When I first started this blog, I was super, SUPER down in the dumps and, after being sick for a few days (head colds SUCK!!), and having my hair newly colored, I'm OK.

So here's the real me and what's been happening lately:

-I have a long way to go, but I am taking the steps neccessary to be healthier to become the person I want to be
-I used to obsess about plus size model Tess Munster then I got away from it because looking at her photos depressed me. I've NEVER, EVER been the type of person to say that I  wish I looked like (fill in blank here).....but I totally, completely and utterly wish I looked like her. She is gorgeous, beautiful, flawless, sexy, edgy, soft, everything. And my obsession is back.
-Because of the obsession, I contacted my BFF Joey of Pretty Nerdy Girl and told her I need to step out of my comfort zone. I want to start modeling. Just for fun. I want to do something different and I want to push myself. I know Tess Munster doesn't feel spectacular every single day, but I NEVER feel spectacular and I want to do something that maybe will give me that feeling a couple days out of the month. I would love that and I think it's time I get it.
-She doesn't know this, but I also want Joey to take pictures of me through my weight loss and going through issues like shopping. I have a lot that I hope I can share with other big girls and maybe even inspire a couple to be better and feel better.

I have to go to work now and I'm going to stop off at Starbucks on the way to work. And hey, Starbucks spelled my name right yesterday!!!!!

This is the look of happiness.

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