Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lathrop Mud Run

One of the things that spurred me to get this blog going is the Lathrop Mud Run (link below).

My mom and her coworkers are participating this year and as soon as my mom said "We're making tutus," I was in. I'll do anything for an excuse to make/wear/live in a tutu.

Anyway, this mud run is a bit intimidating, so I decided to get back to the gym. This coming year, I have big plans...and one is to treat the gym as if it's a good friend. A friend I need to visit many, many times a week and friend that I'll feel guilty about not visiting if I skip out on it. See, I don't dislike working out, I just have an issue with actually getting in the habit of going. I'm bad at habits. I'm so bad at them, that I have to remind myself everyday to brush my teeth; not because I'm gross or hate brushing my teeth, I just don't like routines or habits.

Anyway, I'm posting the link below, just in case 3 people who may stumble across this blog wants to know what it's all about. The link is to the events page because the main page has LOUD music to it.

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